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Temet 6700 - Yukon Wolf in a gold rush

Temet 6700 - Yukon Wolf in a gold rush

The "Yukon Wolf" at California Creek provides great moments of surprise and amazement: The 6x6 ACTION MOBIL is equipped with a workshop for gold exploration and a comfortable living area for the gold prospector, who will live and work independently in the wilderness for a long time.

  1197 Hits

Husky On Tour - Atacama 5600 on a world tour

Husky On Tour - Atacama 5600 on a world tour

The "HUSKY ON TOUR 2021-2033" expedition starts in June 2021 with the famous "Cape To Cape Tour" from the Norwegian North Cape to the southernmost point of Africa - the Cape of Good Hope. Including a stopover on Iceland in spring and summer 2022. The 70,000 km long first stage takes us in four years from Scandinavia via Iceland - Germany, Austria and the Balkans to the Middle East and further via the East African route to the southern tip of Africa.

  1285 Hits

VIDEO: Atacama is put to a test 2

VIDEO: Atacama is put to a test 2

The video gives an overview of the second part of the ACTION MOBIL founders and CEOs test drive with the Atcama motor home in the wilderness of Namibia - from the coastal fog along the Skeleton Coast to the Purros Canyon, the green river oasis in the HOARUSIB.

  2240 Hits

VIDEO: Challenge 2017

VIDEO: Challenge 2017

The new video, produced by Otti Reitz, follows the ACTION MOBIL ATACAMA 6300 through the rough wilderness of the north-western part of Namibia: the isolated Damaraland. The expedition leads through the narrow Khowarib gorge, down the Ombonde river bed with its deep sand and "deep dust" passages and into the wonderfull "Little Serengeti".

  2107 Hits

Action Mobil - Merry Christmas

Action Mobil - Merry Christmas

There are moments when you wish to bring the world to a halt - and this was one of them.

  1568 Hits

MANTOCO ... the adventure continues (Part 2)

MANTOCO ... the adventure continues (Part 2)

The adventures of Conny & Tommy with their "Manni" (the ACTION MOBIL) continues ... Part 2 - From Ghana to Angola

  2958 Hits

Customer feedback from MANTOCO ... the great adventure

Customer feedback from MANTOCO ... the great adventure

Since 6 years Conny and Thommy (Mantoco) are on an exciting journey around the world with their ACTION MOBIL "Manni". They have written a little report about their adventures and want to share it with us. Here we are and present part 1 - From Morocco to the Ivory Coast.

  2361 Hits



…we have looked for new challenges: Dense bush, deep sand and extreme dust!

Test route: dry riverbeds: OMBONDE and KHOWARIB in the Northwest of Namibia. For safety reasons we recommend to drive these routes always in a convoy! 

  2406 Hits

“JUMBO reunion” in the Ugab

“JUMBO reunion” in the Ugab

A client was kind enough to lend us the ACTION MOBIL ATACAMA 6300 to carry out this test drive. It is a rare sign of trust for which the Management wishes to express a big thank you.

The objective of this test drive was to gather technical data and to find out how the vehicle behaves off-road under difficult conditions. Before setting off, technical devices for chassis optimization were installed at our plant.

  2160 Hits

Giribes Plains with SAT telephone

Giribes Plains with SAT telephone

Blog by Steffi and Otti Reitz of ACTION MOBIL, founders of ACTION MOBIL

More than 25 years ago, Steffi and I passed by this lonesome place in our old ACTION MOBIL Pinzgauer. We are here in the SESFONTAIN Area, somewhere between Sesfontain and Purros, in the northwest of Namibia. At that time, there were but a few vehicle tracks and the two solitary rocks amid the landscape impressed us. This is why we took a break here and later on, climbed the rock.

  1647 Hits