Special constructions for customised ACTION MOBIL motor homes equipped for adventures, expeditions and explorations are not tied to a particular layout.
This series includes
- ACTION MOBIL constructions which are specifically designed for use in rallye and sports events,
- ACTION MOBIL service vehicles fitted with all necessary communications equipment and accomodation for journalists and television crews,
- high tech ACTION MOBIL conference centres equipped with all kinds of mobile infrastructure to be erected in any possible terrain,
- mobile ACTION MOBIL lodges which will be erected in a different spectacular location every evening for the comfort of their self-driving guests.
The ACTION MOBIL cabin mounted on a 6x6 Pinzgauer chassis was a milestone in the history of ACTION MOBIL. Developed and built by ACTION MOBIL in 1985, it was the first expedition cabin with a hydraulically driven lifting roof.
Starting out from the test results gained with this type of lifting roof, further lifting-roof cabins mounted on MAN chassis followed. Later on, this idea was taken over and copied by the competition. What was to be achieved by the lifting-roof cabin was the lowest possible height of the expedition vehicle. Today’s truck chasses all have a tall driver’s cabin, which means that there are limits to realizing the purpose of a lifting-roof cabin. This ACTION MOBIL is still in use after 30 years and is being driven in Namibia by the founders of ACTION MOBIL. The vehicle was approved and registered in Namibia and will be for sale next year.